Source: docs/typedefs.jsdoc

 * @typedef {Object} kewpieOpts
 * @property {string} passedOpts.deadLetterExchange - The name of the exchange to expired and nacked messages to
 * @property {string} passedOpts.deadLetterQueue - The name of the queue that dead lettered messages will come to reside in after being routed from the dead letter exchange
 * @property {string} passedOpts.kewpie - The name of the main exchange all messages are `publish`ed to
 * @property {number} passedOpts.maxPriority - The maximum priority level that messages on queues may have
 * @property {number} passedOpts.defaultExpiration - The default expiration time for messages. This prevents unfulfillable tasks from clogging up the queue forever (in MS)
 * @property {number} passedOpts.maxConnectionAttempts - The maximum amount of times kewpie will attempt to connect to the RabbitMQ server before giving up and throwing
 * @property {number} passedOpts.delayMS - The delay in MS to wait between retrying operations before kewpie has successfully connected to the RabbitMQ server on initialisation
 * @property {number} passedOpts.enableDelayed - Whether to enable delayed messaging by creating the main exchange as a delayed message exchange. This requires the experimental delayed messages plugin to RabbitMQ

 * @typedef {Object} Kewpie
 * @property {function} publish
 * @property {function} subscribe
 * @property {function} unsubscribe
 * @property {function} connect
 * @property {function} close
 * @property {Object} errors - The possible errors that can be returned from methods
 * @property {Error} errors.blankQueueError - The error returned if the passed queue name is blank
 * @property {Error} errors.blankTaskError - The error returned if the passed task is blank
 * @property {Object<kewpieOpts>} opts - The resolved options that Kewpie is instantiated with

 * @typedef {Promise} Consumer
 * @property {string} consumerTag - A unique identifier for a consumer/subscriber