Source: src/index.js

const amqp = require('amqplib');
const uuid = require('uuid');
const co = require('co');

function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);

const blankQueueError = new Error('Queue name is blank');
const blankTaskError = new Error('Task body is blank');
const invalidJsonError = new Error('Invalid JSON in task body');

 * Return an instance of Kewpie
 * @constructor
 * @module Kewpie
 * @param {kewpieOpts} [passedOpts] - A set of options to override the defaults
 * @returns {Kewpie}
function Kewpie(passedOpts = {}) {
  const defaultOpts = {
    deadLetterExchange: 'deadletters',
    deadLetterQueue: 'deadletters',
    exchange: 'kewpie',
    maxPriority: 10,
    defaultExpiration: 1000 * 60 * 60, // 1 hour
    maxConnectionAttempts: 10,
    delayMS: 500,
    enableDelayed: false

  const opts = Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, passedOpts);

  const {
  } = opts;

  if (enableDelayed) console.warn('Delayed sending requires the delayed message exchange plugin to RabbitMQ which is currently EXPERIMENTAL. See for more details');

  const queueOpts = {
    durable: true,

  let channel;
  let connection;
  let connectionAttempts = 0;

   * Connect to the RabbitMQ server and set up the queues and exchanges
   * @module Kewpie/connect
   * @param {string} rabbitUrl - The URL to connect to a rabbitMQ server, eg: amqp://localhost:15672
   * @param {string[]} queues - The queues to instantiate for later publishing or subscription
   * @returns {Promise}
  function connect(rabbitUrl, queues) {
    return co(function *() {
      connection = yield amqp.connect(rabbitUrl);
      const ch = yield connection.createConfirmChannel();
      yield setup(ch, queues);
      channel = ch;
    .catch(reconnect(rabbitUrl, queues));

   * Set up the queues and exchanges
   * @param {Object} ch - A channel returned from amqplib
   * @param {string[]} queues - The queues to instantiate for later publishing or subscription
   * @returns {Promise}
  function setup(ch, queues) {
    return co.wrap(function *() {
      const exchangeType = enableDelayed ? 'x-delayed-message' : 'topic';
      const exchangeArgs = {};

      if (enableDelayed) exchangeArgs['x-delayed-type'] = 'topic';

      yield ch.assertExchange(
          arguments: {
            'x-delayed-type': 'topic'
          durable: true

      yield Promise.all( *(queue) {
        yield ch.assertQueue(queue, queueOpts);
        yield ch.bindQueue(queue, exchange, queue);

      yield ch.assertExchange(deadLetterExchange, 'topic', { durable: true });
      yield ch.assertQueue(deadLetterQueue, { durable: true });
      yield ch.bindQueue(deadLetterQueue, deadLetterExchange, '#');

   * If the connection to RabbitMQ fails, wait a little bit then try again
   * @param {string} rabbitUrl - The URL to connect to a rabbitMQ server, eg: amqp://localhost:15672
   * @param {string[]} queues - The queues to instantiate for later publishing or subscription
   * @returns {Promise}
  function reconnect(rabbitUrl, queues) {
    return e => {
      if (connectionAttempts > maxConnectionAttempts) {
        throw e;
      } else {
        return co(function *() {
          yield delay(delayMS);
          return connect(rabbitUrl, queues);

   * Publish a message/task to a queue
   * @module Kewpie/publish
   * @param {string} queue - The name of the queue you intend the message to reach. This will be used as the message's routing key
   * @param {Object} task - Any `JSON.stringify`able Object. This will be serialised and sent as the message body
   * @param {Object} [opts] - A set of opts to override defaults
   * @param {number} opts.priority - The priority of the message (defaults to 0)
   * @param {number} opts.expiration - The expiration time of the message in MS
   * @param {number} opts.delay - The number of MS the exchange should wait before publishing the message to a queue for consumption
   * @returns {Promise}
  function publish(queue, task, opts = {}) {
    return co(function *() {
      if (!queue) throw blankQueueError;
      if (!task) throw blankTaskError;

      if (!channel) {
        yield delay(delayMS);
        return publish(queue, task, opts);

      const innerOpts = {
        priority: opts.priority || 0,
        persistent: true,
        expiration: opts.expiration || defaultExpiration,
        headers: {}

      if (opts.expiration === null) delete innerOpts.expiration;

      if (opts.delay) innerOpts.headers['x-delay'] = opts.delay;

      let buf;
      try {
        buf = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(task));
      } catch (e) {
        return Promise.reject(invalidJsonError);

      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        channel.publish(exchange, queue, buf, innerOpts, (err) => {
          if (err) return reject(err);
          return resolve(task);

   * Unsubscribe a subscriber/handler from a queue
   * @module Kewpie/unsubscribe
   * @param {string} tag - The consumerTag of the subscriber
   * @returns {Promise}
  function unsubscribe(tag) {
    return channel.cancel(tag);

   * Subscribe a handler to a queue
   * @module Kewpie/subscribe
   * @param {string} queue - The queue you wish to subscribe to
   * @param {function} handler - The queue you wish to subscribe to
   * @returns {Consumer}
  function subscribe(queue, handler, maxConcurrent = 1) {
    return co(function *() {
      if (!channel) {
        yield delay(delayMS);
        return subscribe(queue, handler, maxConcurrent);

      const consumerTag = uuid.v4();

      yield channel.assertQueue(queue, queueOpts);
      yield channel.prefetch(maxConcurrent);

      channel.consume(queue, msg => {
        try {
            .then(() => {
            .catch((opts = {}) => {
              opts.requeue = opts.requeue || false;
              channel.nack(msg, false, opts.requeue);
        } catch (e) {
          // The only time this should be reached is when JSON.parse fails, so never requeue this kind of failure
          channel.nack(msg, false, false);
      }, { consumerTag });

      return { consumerTag };

   * Close the connection to RabbitMQ
   * @module Kewpie/close
   * @returns {Promise}
  function close() {
    return connection.close();

  return {
    errors: {

module.exports = Kewpie;